Ik wil niet heel erg vervelend zijn, lullig overkomen of haten maar meisje jij bent veels te lekker om in de stripboekenbranche te werken:
'Name: Olive Panter
Store: Cosmic Comics
Age: 18
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
If you could be any comic book character, who would it be?
I'm actually named after Olive Oyl. But seriously, I think I might shoot myself. That's really hard. Probably because there isn't a comic book character I'd want to be. I don't live vicariously through comics. I think a lot of people tend to. It's definitely escapist for me, but I don't like to pretend I'm Superman. Especially as a girl, you don't want to pretend to be the giant-breasted, platform-wearing.... It just wouldn't be fun. But if I had to pick, it probably harkens back to when I was 12 and read Ghost World for the first time. It would probably be Enid from Ghost World.
What's the least nerdy thing about you?
Nerdy. You have no idea. I grew up so embroiled in it that it's kind of stupid to make myself not nerdy. I'm in a band, so maybe that's not nerdy. But I even wear glasses and I go to art school and I work in a comic shop. There's nothing not nerdy about me. I have a designer jean fixation, but that's kind of retarded.'
Meer Olive en wat inzicht in die meer echte echte comic geeks op Wired:
The Secret Live Of Comic Store Employees.